This describes the concepts and terms we are using in Baserock
Epoch - A release version
Age - Non-backward-compatible points on epoch timeline
Stratum/Strata - Collection of software geared towards a common functional block or concept. For example, core, connectivity, gnome
Erratic - Addon type application (May be installed in an image rather than by the user) For example dropbear, gedit, angry birds.
Chunk - Already-petrified sub-section of a morphology
Morphology - The instructions and resources necessary to build an erratic, chunk or stratum.
Petrification - The process by which a morphology is turned into its output. i.e. by running the build script or simliar.
Manifest - The part of the morphology which details which git trees / refs are used.
Integration Script - The part of the morphology which explains how to turn the manifest into the output of the morphology (which could be an image, erratic, chunk, stratum etc)